It is our policy to be transparent with users, relative to how we track their access and use of our site. One of our tracking features is the use of cookies. uses cookies and other related tools on its website for the primary purpose of improving user experiences as they navigate through our pages, access our information and other content, and return to our website again. In no way do we use cookies to gather or store the personal information of any user – visitor or customer.
Please review this notification so that you know exactly what our cookies do and what types of information they collect.
Cookies are tiny files that are embedded in your device when you access a website. They note such things as which browser and type of device is being used. They also anonymously track such things as which pages you visit, how long you stay on each page, and your navigation behavior.
These are files that let us provide services to our users as well as give us information to improve our site and our users’ experiences. Such cookies do the following:
Recognize users when they return to our site, so they do not have to sign in all over again
Remember where users have been on our site and their preferences for products or services. This allows us to present products or services that you may be interested in
Help to provide greater security and to prevent fraud
Collect anonymous and aggregate information on users. This allows us to identify such things as most and least popular pages, the amount of time spent on each page, the most common questions and requests, etc. All of this information is used to improve the Writer Scope site and user experiences.
We also allow cookies to present certain advertisements from third parties that offer products or services we do not, but that may be of interest to our users. These are “third-party” cookies that will be placed on your device if and when you access those sites from our site. They use their cookies for the same purposes that we do.
Our operational cookies stay on your browser for 13 months following your last access to our website. Other cookies used for advertising, for example, may stay for as long as 5 years.
When you access the site for the first time, you will be notified that we use cookies. You have the option to accept them or to opt out of them.
Your browser has a process for you to do a few things related to cookies: you can request notification every time a cookie is added; you can request that no new cookies be added; and you can clear your browsing history of all existing cookies. You must go through your browser’s instructions to do these things.
Writer Scope cookies allow you to use all of our features without interruption or denial of access to certain pages. For example, you will not be able to order products or services and move forward to make payment and receive them. If you have denied cookies on an initial visit, and you then wish to move forward with any type of order, you will need to leave our site and then return, accepting cookies upon your return.
If you have any questions about how we use cookies, please contact our customer support department to have those questions answered.